Submitting this workshop request form is a formal request to hold a workshop at Guitar Summit. However, there is no guarantee that a workshop will be scheduled. The selection and scheduling of workshops is the sole responsibility of the event organiser. Our team will review your proposal and if your workshop is selected, we will contact you to discuss further details.


Die Einreichung dieses Formulars ist eine formelle Anfrage für die Durchführung eines Workshops beim Guitar Summit. Es gibt jedoch keine Garantie, dass ein Workshop stattfindet. Die Auswahl und Terminierung der Workshops liegt in der alleinigen Verantwortung des Veranstalters. Unser Team wird euren Vorschlag prüfen und, falls euer Workshop ausgewählt wird, werden wir euch kontaktieren, um weitere Details zu besprechen.





GS24 Workshop Request Form

Exhibitor Information

Provide your exhibitor information, including your company name, the brand, contact person and contact information. This will ensure that we can contact you promptly if we have any questions.

Workshop Details

Describe the suggested workshop in detail. Include the title of the workshop, a brief description, and the language the workshop will be presented in.

Artist Information

Tell us about the artist who will be presenting the workshop. Include name, a brief bio and any relevant web links.


Upload high-resolution photos of the artist who will be leading the workshop. These will be used for promotional purposes. 

To ensure proper attribution, we request that you include the photographer's credit in the filename of each image. If you are the copyright holder or have the necessary rights to use these photos, please indicate so. If not, please ensure that you have obtained the photographer's permission to use and share these images for promotional purposes. 

Example Filename: ArtistName_PhotoCredit.jpg

Max. Dateigröße: 290 MB.
Max. Dateigröße: 290 MB.
Max. Dateigröße: 290 MB.